News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Climate change science implodes as IPCC climate models found to be “totally wrong” … temperatures aren’t rising as predicted … hoax unraveling
A stunning new science paper authored by climate change alarmists and published in the science journal Nature Geoscience has just broken the back of the climate change hoax. The paper, authored by Myles R. Allen, Richard J. Millar and others, reveals that global warming climate models are flat wrong, having been deceptively biased toward “worst […]
By Mike Adams
American Diabetes Association a FRAUD: Recommended recipes found to contain ingredients that cause diabetes
The American Diabetes Association is a total fraud. The group exists to promote diabetes, not eliminate it, and proof of that is found in the fact that the ADA posts recipes on its own website that promote diabetes! FACT: All the top “disease” organizations have been captured by pharmaceutical interests. The American Cancer Society is […]
By Mike Adams
NASA confirms: Sea levels have been FALLING across the planet for two years … media SILENT
As the global warming narrative unravels under revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two years. On a NASA page intended to spread climate alarmism (, NASA’s own data […]
By Mike Adams
Global Warming BOMBSHELL: Systematic science fraud revealed in alteration of temperature data
A rational review of global warming data has unveiled systematic scientific fraud to alter temperature data in support of the global warming false narrative. This is the largest discovery of scientific fraud in the history of science, and it shows that “global warming” and “climate change” are elaborate science hoaxes rooted in fraud, not fact. […]
By Mike Adams
Climate change scientists launch geoengineering experiment that may accidentally cause global famine
Climate change “mad scientists” from Harvard have been given the green light to pursue a geoengineering experiment that will expel aerosols into the atmosphere to block out the sun in a deranged effort to halt so-called “global warming.” The initial experiment is small, but if it is deemed a success, it could be scaled up […]
By Mike Adams
Neil deGrasse Tyson joins efforts of violent wife beater Jon Entine and convicted felon ringleader of ACSH to produce Monsanto propaganda film called “Food Evolution”
The Monsanto Mafia is at it again, pushing corporate poison propaganda under the guise of “science,” and this time they’ve recruited junk science loudmouth Neil deGrasse Tyson to lend his condescending voice to a propaganda project that was spearheaded behind the scenes by violent wife beater (and biotech propaganda shill) Jon Entine and features messaging […]
By Mike Adams
The Conspiracy Against Saturated Fat: Dr. Jack Wolfson responds to the American Heart Association’s ignorant attack on coconut oil
Over the weekend, a news story based on the American Heart Association’s tired, worn-out and scientifically obsolete war on healthy fats went viral, claiming that coconut oil was somehow bad for cardiovascular health. Remember, the AHA is the same nutritionally illiterate organization that, for decades, told heart attack victims they could eat unlimited processed sugar […]
By Mike Adams
Al Gore confuses TIDES with global warming ocean rise apocalypse, claims fish are “swimming in the streets” of Miami due to climate change
The sheer idiocy of Al Gore and the climate change cultists never ceases to amaze me. Now, according to Al Gore, every time the moon’s gravity causes tides to roll in, it’s a “global warming” apocalypse and proof that the oceans are catastrophically rising at the rate of nearly one foot per hour. Seriously, this […]
By Mike Adams
Global warming “hockey stick” data founded on FRAUD… computer models “hacked” to produce warming trend from any data set
“The hockey stick debate is thus about two things. At a technical level it is about flaws in methodology and erroneous results in a scientific paper. But at a political level, the debate is about whether the IPCC betrayed the trust of governments around the world.” – Professor Ross McKitrick, 2005 In late 2016, the […]
By Mike Adams
LOSING IT: Total liberal MELTDOWN over Trump’s Paris climate accord nullification demonstrates extreme derangement of climate change cultists
As expected, fanatical climate change cultists are totally melting down in another irrational, emotionally charged frenzy over President Trump‘s correct decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord scam, a genocidal attack on Mother Nature and all plant life across our planet. The Paris climate accord is nothing but a big […]
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