News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
WSJ writer hyping “Stanford study” was actually a co-author on the paper, but didn’t declare his bias
The Wall Street Journal has been reporting on a study out of Stanford University that was published in the medical journal medRxiv which suggests the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) may not be as deadly as initially believed. But several of the study’s co-authors were the ones who wrote these Journal articles in support of their own […]
By Ethan Huff
WHO cares more about not offending people than protecting the public against the coronavirus pandemic
Perhaps you’ve noticed that the World Health Organization (WHO) is tiptoeing around the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) crisis while intentionally avoiding actually calling it a global pandemic, which it now is. One of the reasons for this is that the WHO is playing the political correctness game in trying not to offend anyone, including Chinese people […]
By Ethan Huff
The same CDC that uses fake science to push dangerous vaccines is also using fake science to try to take away GUN RIGHTS from all Americans… is this really “medicine?”
What do the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and gun control have in common? Nothing, except for the fact that the CDC has continually taken it upon itself to conduct “studies” that push for more gun control. The federal agency, which is supposed to be dealing with things like vaccines that actually have […]
By Ethan Huff
The worst idea ever? Genetically engineered plants will deplete the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, causing a mass die-off of food crops and rainforests
Carbonphobia is sweeping the globe as leftists continue to fear-monger about the “horrors” of carbon dioxide (CO2), and the “need” to eradicate it in order for “global warming” to end. And their latest “solution” to the “problem” is to unleash new varieties of genetically modified (GMO) plants that have the engineered ability to soak up […]
By Ethan Huff
Those 11,000 “scientists” warning about an impending “climate emergency” are just “11,000 random people,” investigation reveals
Scientific “consensus” is a popular buzzword commonly used by climate fanatics to “prove” that man-made climate change is a real thing. But is there really even a consensus as these hysterics claim? Not even close. As it turns out, the climate lobby loves to pull its “facts” right out of thin air, including the newly […]
By Ethan Huff
Vaccine industry stages FAKE FLU SHOT using syringe with no needle as part of vaccine propaganda push
Canadian Health Minister Christine Elliott recently made an appearance at a Rexall drugstore in Ontario where she claims to have gotten a “free” flu shot. But video evidence shows that there wasn’t actually a needle in the syringe that was pressed up against her arm, proving once again that when it comes to politicians, it’s […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate change scientists LIE about everything by cherry picking different time windows for every study, graph or news announcement
The theory of man-made climate change only makes sense if you tweak the timelines around to say what you want them to say. This is what the climate lobby does every single day by claiming that the world is getting hotter, or that arctic ice is melting, neither of which is true if you look […]
By Ethan Huff
Science deniers: ABC News claims an unborn baby’s heartbeat is just a “belief,” not a fact
When it comes to Leftist thinking, feelings always trump facts. And there’s perhaps no better example of this than the many deranged ideologies held by today’s Democrats, including their belief that anyone who humanizes unborn babies and says that they have heartbeats is expressing mere conservative opinion, rather than scientific fact. This is what Steve […]
By Ethan Huff
Yes, Elon Musk is completely full of crap with claims about “fully” self-driving cars
After deciding recently to end his company’s partnership with established computer chip manufacturer Nvidia Corp., Tesla’s Elon Musk went on a bragging spree, making all sorts of false claims about how his company’s new proprietary chip technology is somehow “the best in the world” – which couldn’t be further from the truth. In typical technocrat […]
By Ethan Huff
Planet of the Apes becomes reality after Chinese scientists implant human genes into monkeys to make them “smarter”
“Frankenscientists” hailing from the communist “paradise” of China have successfully inserted human brain genes into live monkeys, creating a real life “Planet of the Apes” scenario with the world’s first half-human, half-ape hybrid being. Using a special gene-editing technique they developed, the Chinese researchers were able to “enhance” the brain capacity of rhesus macaques monkeys, […]
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