No, you can’t heal your body with “bio-frequency” stickers… don’t get caught up in the scam

So-called bio-frequency stickers may sound appealing, but the truth is that these “healing” patches won’t offer you much in the way of health benefits. Recently featured in Goop, a publication which belongs to movie star Gwyneth Paltrow, the bio-frequency stickers made by Body Vibes are already gaining quite a bit of notoriety — but for all the wrong reasons.

As the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail explains, the Body Vibes website boasted that the key material for their product was actually an “exclusive material originally developed for NASA.” Supposedly, this magic substance was going to line space suits, but got dropped for an unspecified reason. The Daily Mail reports that the Goop website explained Body Vibes as follows:

Body Vibes stickers (made with the same conductive carbon material NASA uses to line space suits so they can monitor an astronaut’s vitals during wear) come pre-programmed to an ideal frequency, allowing them to target imbalances.

The product in question, an alleged carbon fiber compound “capable of holding specific frequency charges,” was actually never developed by NASA. And Mark Shelhamer, former chief scientist at NASA, says that their “space suits are not lined with carbon materials, and even if they were, it wouldn’t be for the purpose of monitoring vital signs.”

Shelhamer reportedly referred to the Body Vibes stickers as a “load of BS,” and likened the product to “snake oil.” While several members of the Goop team reportedly took the bio-frequency stickers for a test drive,  it appears that they made no comment on how effective (or ineffective) the contraptions were. Instead, the Goop test subjects simply noted that the stickers left marks on their skin.

This fact could be worrisome, according to Shelhamer. He questioned why a product that was supposed to be “good” for you would leave a mark on your body. It’s also worth noting that Body Vibes suggests wearing the stickers for three straight days.

While Body Vibes has released an apology for their misleading information and stated that their engineer was “misinformed” about the true origins of their product’s material, the company maintains that their mistake has no impact on the quality of their product. However, even that seems to be questionable. Supposedly, the carbon fiber in the patches is capable of being “programmed” to emit certain frequencies and this is accomplished via generator.

It’s true that are many anecdotal stories about how bio-frequency patches have changed people’s lives; either through healing their bodies or relieving them of their anxiety, people really do believe that these little patches work.

One caveat to anecdotal evidence, however, is that there is no controlling for the placebo effect.

And according to, there currently are no peer-reviewed scientific studies on the health benefits of bio-frequency stickers.

While the evidence of energy healing has begun to grow, the typical energy medicines, such as energy pulses or laser beams, do not come in the form of a patch. Richard Eaton of AlphaBio Centrix, a biotech company, is the brains behind this supposed bio-frequency patch technology. Eaton reportedly first came up with the product in the 1980s, 30-some-odd years ago. And yet, to this day, he’s not produced a single study of his product that he claims works so well. According to Eaton, the research on his bio-frequency technology is “confidential” and is being “held as company private information.”

Evidently, even in the absence of scientific research to back up their claims to greatness, the people at Body Vibes have no qualms about charging an arm and a leg for their stickers. A pack of just ten stickers will cost you a whopping $60. Bio-frequency stickers should be approached with caution until actual research is available to the public.

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