ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH climate change
06/25/2017 / By Vicki Batts

Al Gore has been at the forefront of the globalist climate change movement for quite some time now, and it

06/21/2017 / By Ethan Huff

A new video has begun circulating the internet that claims New York City will soon be under several feet of

06/07/2017 / By Mike Adams

The sheer idiocy of Al Gore and the climate change cultists never ceases to amaze me. Now, according to Al

06/04/2017 / By Mike Adams

“The hockey stick debate is thus about two things. At a technical level it is about flaws in methodology and

06/03/2017 / By News Editors

President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord has thrown the world into a blazing

06/01/2017 / By Mike Adams

As expected, fanatical climate change cultists are totally melting down in another irrational, emotionally charged frenzy over President Trump‘s correct

06/01/2017 / By Robert Jonathan

Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comics, seems to have triggered social justice warriors and climate science fanatics on

05/24/2017 / By Ethan Huff

What’s truly amazing about all the hype surrounding man-made climate change and the supposed evils of carbon dioxide, which we’re

05/22/2017 / By Earl Garcia

Climate change not only affects the environment, but may also adversely impact mental health, according to a collaborative report by

05/20/2017 / By Mike Adams

Remember when I said recently that the entire left-wing scientific establishment has become convinced that everything causes climate change? My